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Write it down!

Asking for feedback isn’t always an easy or even necessarily comfortable thing to do. But, for personal development, it can be very beneficial and an essential part of your career growth.

Whatever you do, don’t get defensive if it’s feedback you don’t want to hear, and weren’t expecting. Be open to what others say. You don’t have to agree with them or take their advice, but always go in with an open mind, it can be used either way.

So you have this feedback, and now what to do with it? First of all, say thank you for the feedback given and let them know that you appreciate their time. Next, write it down. Feedback given now may not be timely, but it could be used at a later date. Make a list of the things you feel were helpful and then the things you feel that you can work on.

Additionally, make a “positive” list. Write down the compliments and the positive feedback you received. You know, the things that you are hitting the nail on the head with. This “positive” list can be used for motivation when you need it the most. Especially on those days when you feel like nothing is going right. We all have those days! A simple re-read of all the “positive” things can really help get you back on track!

We always have room for growth! Network with those around you. Learn from those around you. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from those close to you, and even those you admire the most. It may not always be painless, but you will most likely always benefit from it!

“I want to LIVE. I want to leave a LEGACY. And I want to do it with those I LOVE.”

Self growth and self development will get you closer to living out these things!

~ Mauria

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