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Let’s kick off 2019!!!!

Let’s kick off 2019!!!!

You know I have to be honest.  I freaking love a New Year!  I love a new beginning!  I love the opportunity to say, “ok here’s what I’m going to do and I’m going to start TODAY”!  There’s just something about the ending of one year and the reflection.  The gratitude that then leads you to say that there is so much more for me to accomplish to truly LIVE this life, and I am bound to make it happen!  Speaking of, isn’t it nice to remember that His mercies are renewed each day?  I mean, we technically don’t need a new YEAR to begin again, we just need the decision to START, followed by the action to truly BEGIN!  

So allow me to chat a little about this whole “New Year” and what it means for YOU!  I’m going to start by saying that I’ve learned quite a bit in my years as a “mompreneur”, and I’ve learned that there is not a set amount of money in this world that will make you happy.  So this little get real New Year challenge I’m throwing at you isn’t defined by a dollar amount, a title, the size of your home, or your bank account.  Success is how YOU define success!  Success means anything you want it to mean!  Success is accomplishing YOUR dreams, not the dreams of anyone else!  

So as we move forward in this New Year talk….you have to realize that this year can be anything you truly want it to be!  That’s the beauty of it….yet thats the challenge IN it!  You see, your mind is a powerful thing and your actions are even more powerful.  But your mind and your actions must be in alignment for you to achieve the things you want to achieve.  

The first thing we have to do is to take ownership in where we are and where we want to go. We must truly understand that NO ONE and I mean NO ONE will accomplish our dreams for us.  Our dreams don’t mean to others what they mean to us!  EVERYONE else has their own dreams or lack thereof, but it is US that must move forward and take daily action to take us one step closer to our dream!  

To accomplish something, we must be willing to make the daily commitment to achieve it.  DO you realize that most of the things that are required for you to reach your goals are very simple tasks to do, but they’re also incredibly easy to neglect?  When we consistently “do the do” we find ourselves “getting the get.”  However, when we consistently neglect the actions required, we find ourselves overwhelmed, frustrated, nonproductive and digging a hole that takes us further and further away from our dreams.  We want to move closer, right?

The second thing we have to do is armor up!  What the heck does that mean?  It means we have to know that there are going to be some hard days that come our way.  It means that we have to acknowledge that there are going to be people and distractions that try to get into our way. We have to understand that even the voices in our heads will try to tell us we “can’t” so we have to armor up with what will protect us from self destructing and allowing others to interfere.  

How will we stay focused?  How do you armor up?  You have know why the heck you’re doing what you’re doing in the first place.  You have to be tuned into the vehicle that will allow you to accomplish that goal that leads you closer to your dream.  You have to protect your mind by dismissing the negativity and feeding your brain and your soul with LIGHT and LIFE!  You have to be in a position of continual growth.  Whether it’s a youtube channel or a favorite podcast, the stories of people in your position that have inspired you along the way.  Listen to audible or take the time to open a book and actually read!  Feed your mind. Feed your soul!  What we think about, is we bring about! Spend more time filling your cup with positive things than scrolling the negativity that others put out. 

The third thing I’m going to challenge you with is 
showing up!  Guys, everything worth having requires you showing up!  Your marriage, your job as a mother, hitting your fitness goals, your business…..EVERYTHING that means something to YOU…..requires showing up!!!  If you want a good marriage….you’ve gotta put in the work. If you want a good relationship with your children…you’ve gotta put in the work (and say a lot of prayers, and read a lot of books, and search for lots of advice, and say some more prayers and probably drink some wine). You’re following me right?  That fitness goal isn’t going to be reached by not getting to the gym and not changing your eating habits.  Your business isn’t going to grow if you don’t show up and open the doors for business.  YOU HAVE TO PUT TIME INTO THE THINGS THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU!!!!  To have your hearts desire….YOU are required to be PRESENT!  Be present….and fight for it every single day!  It’s what matters to you, isn’t it???  Make sure it KNOWS it matters!!!

We get one life, friends, and nothing in this life is guaranteed!  I encourage you to LIVE and LIVE ABUNDANTLY!  I have challenged my team to #HUSTLEFORJOY in 2019 and that’s exactly what we are going to do!  We are going to LIVE!  We are going to create a life with OPTIONS.  We are going to GIVE!  We are going to make an IMPACT!  We are going to do things we love to do with people we love!  We are going to create experiences!  We are going to RISE!!  Seek JOY and DO NOT QUIT on yourself!  Celebrate every single accomplishment and celebrate the accomplishment of others.  Fight for YOU! Fight for your FAMILY!  #HustleForJoy. 

Bring it 2019!!!  We are OWNING this year!  We are ARMORED up! And we are SHOWING UP!!

First 90 Days and Team Promo links for Sunday Submission

First 90 Days Submission link

LIVES and LOCALS Team Promo Link

Daily activity sheet that will help hold you accountable for working your business daily and consistently!

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