Your Story Matters-new2

Hey YOU!

Hey YOU!!!!! Yes all of YOU!!!

LIVIN! Let’s talk about it! We all want it! We want to live…to experience…to breathe…to feel! But are we really doing it or are we going through the motions because we are so bogged down by the noise? The voices…the media…heck are there days you feel surrounded by sharks?

Do you have those moments where you know the vultures are surrounding, just waiting on a slip so they grip opportunity? I get it. The more I interact with people, the more of their struggles are revealed to me….I understand that we need to keep talking about it! Somewhere in the “living”, we’ve lost the importance of “freedom!”

John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” We are dealing with a thief…we can’t ignore that. The thief is powerful. He will do all he can to steal kill and destroy you. But JESUS, I’m gonna type that again because man that’s powerful. But JESUS, He’s the one who came to give us LIFE so that we may LIVE to the full! To live it ABUNDANTLY!

He didn’t come so you can be persuaded that you aren’t enough. That you don’t have what it takes. He didn’t come to write you off for your mistakes or for you to believe you don’t deserve to live in peace and freedom. He didn’t come for you to spend your days believing the lies of the enemy! HE is FREEDOM! He is peace! He has called us to love and to give the grace that he has given us.

HE has gifted every one of us to perform a special mission for which we alone were created. Your life has purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. You were born to make an impact.

Be a blessing. Be a friend. Encourage someone. Take time to care. Speak gracious words. Love one another! Never underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, or a gentle touch. The smallest act of kindness has the potential to turn a day around.

“What you are doing matters a great deal, friend. Oh, how beautiful are your feet! It doesn’t matter where those feet have been in the past; what matters is where they’re going today. Simply take those beautiful feet of yours and walk the path with others. Serve. Bow low. Give. Offer comfort, even at your own discomfort. Love. With simple acts of service, people will see Jesus alive in you. Your life will preach a sermon, even when your lips aren’t moving.”

Allow yourself the permission to live a big and bold life. Step into who you were created to be. You’re meant for great things!

You are loved…you are enough….God has an amazing plan for you…and you are here to shine your light!! You are here to live freely and boldly! Stand up for YOU…your family…your dreams and don’t you dare let anyone steal your joy!!! Oh and if you didn’t know…there’s an army around you to support you!!!

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